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Doing Less Harm, musings from Anytown NHS Trust
Last orders at the bar
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Alas, the end is near. It's time to face the final curtain.

Don't worry! I've not been Dooced like Joe Gordon.
And (unfortunatley) I haven't sold out like Belle de Jour.

Lets just say something has happened that has made carrying on this blog in its current form difficult.

I've had a great time writing it and I hope you've had a good laugh with me on our magical journey. I've made lots of good friends and read some interesting blogs and shared in some great times with JT, Mr Teacher, The Girl, JonnyB, Mr Parrot, Tom Reynolds and Wrapstar. Lets not forget that I also appeared in the Guardian four times (five if you include the online blog and six if you class appearing as one of the list of the six top health blogs).

I'm sure I'll be back. Maybe not here. And maybe not blogging about work. But keep an eye open for those trademark random subject changes (like the stupid user post that managed to incorporate a hip-hop punchline), the strange references (like the lies you've all been told.... that your soulmate is out there) and Dilbert-like punchlines that come out of nowhere (who can forget the 'toast run' classic). I'm currently mulling over a couple of blogging ideas not based around work - I'm sure they'll be up and running as soon as.

To all my regulars out there - thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading this. Who'd have thunk that little old me could keep you entertained for this long. I loved all your comments and all your emails. It is you that kept me going this long. Feel free to leave me comments on this post or drop me an email at - I always love reading them. Thank you, again.

And thanks to all my colleagues for providing the material that made this so successful. In time I hope I can thank each one of you personally. Even when you weren't starring in your own posts, I was using you to test out my jokes and punchlines. So thanks for all the unpaid and uncredited work.

And a personal thanks to Alanis who is my rock and has been my inspiration behind so many of the punchlines and blogs. Without her, you wouldn't have been brought such excellent stories as the Deadman's desk and the chocolate stealing. I don't think she knows how thankful I am for everything she does for me, not just blogging-wise but also being my emotional crutch - I hope in reading this she will understand. She is someone I am proud to call my friend.

So as my dad once said - and this is proof I am turning into him - It's now time to shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

Dr Dre.
The events and characters contained in this blog are copywrite of the author. Any reproduction in part or whole of any of the text here, without the written permission of the author, will have very bad consequences. The above statement only refers to the old fashioned printed media. Blogs and other websites may use bits of this - but it would be nice to be asked. No media outlet owned by Rupert Murdoch will be allowed to print any of the stories in this blog. All the characters and events in this blog are fictional - and that includes all those that are based on real events and people.